Redwood Life sensitivity analysEs
The City is pleased to announce the public release of the Initial Technical Sensitivity Analysis for the Redwood Life Precise Plan and EIR. Your patience is appreciated; the City thoroughly reviewed the analysis internally to ensure its accuracy. We invite the community to review the document over the next two months before joining us for a webinar on January 30th where further public consideration of these technical reports will take place.
What is the Sensitivity Analysis?
A preliminary review of potential traffic conditions and traffic-related impacts from the proposed Longfellow life science development “Project” compared to the “No Project” (current conditions and allowable uses under the Westport Specific Plan). The transportation report analyzes the Intersection Level of Service (LOS) for 20 intersections throughout Redwood Shores, and adjacent communities of Belmont and San Carlos. The report also includes an analysis of Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) to evaluate the environmental impacts under the same Project & No Project scenarios.
A first-pass assessment of the project’s potential future impact on the City’s wet utilities infrastructure (potable water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage), as well as projected impacts from both the No Project/Existing Conditions and a Westport Specific Plan build-out. Pumps or pipelines that would likely need to be upgraded or replaced are identified.
An overview of existing physical conditions and identification of any known environmental/CEQA issues that will need to be considered and/or addressed during the planning and environmental review process based on a review of available information, the Longfellow proposed project and initial technical studies. These studies include (1) air quality constraints assessment, (2) biological sensitivity memo, (3) archaeological sensitivity assessment of cultural & tribal resources, and (4) noise monitoring survey/site noise contours. The environmental report also includes (5) peer reviews of the applicant’s geotechnical report and (6) of the Phase 1 ESA covering hazardous materials/the landfill.
What the Sensitivity Analysis Isn’t:
A complete set of answers to all the key questions posed so far by members of the community. The City acknowledges that we have heard your myriad concerns and comments throughout this process and knows that this report does not address all the issues raised. This report is the beginning of the conversation and not the end.
A full CEQA analysis with impact findings and mitigation measures. This will begin after the selection of the Project Alternative(s) by the City Council, estimated to occur in Q2 2025. This cannot be commenced until an alternative is chosen.
As mentioned above, to review these findings in more detail and answer follow-up questions from the public, the City will be hosting a webinar on the evening of January 30th , in a similar format to the Sea Level Rise virtual forum. The lead authors of this report will present their analysis and be available for a facilitated Q&A afterward. We look forward to a robust discussion, with an ongoing conversation on these topics over the coming months as more detailed work on the Precise Plan and EIR commence.
find the ENVIRONMENTAL sensitivity analysIs & supporting documents here:
Environmental Sensitivity Analysis HERE
Archaeological Sensitivity Analysis HERE
Appendix A - Air Quality HERE
Appendix B - Biological Conservation HERE
Appendix C - Geotechnical Peer Review HERE
Appendix D - Hazmat Peer Review HERE
Appendix E - Sea Level Rise Study - HERE
Appendix F - Noise Constraints Study HERE
Transportation sensitivity analysis:
Transportation Sensitivity Analysis HERE
Infrastructure sensitivity analysis:
Infrastructure Sensitivity Analysis HERE